Sunday, May 3, 2009

Extolling The Virtues of White VInegar

Guys, seriously. What can't vinegar do?

I stopped by my sister's apartment the other day to check on a cat she was taking care of while someone was out of town. She has a real small apartment, tiny even. Her bedroom and living room are the same room. Anyway, the cat had been barfing, which cats seem to have a pleasant penchant for, so I promised to go check on it. I noticed in the kitchen that her dishes, I swear to God, had spot welded together in the sink. And. It. Stank.

So I thought, hey, I'm a nice guy, I'ma do these dishes. And about midway through doing the dishes I had thought of at least five things I would have used white vinegar for in her apartment. And if you will indulge me, I will list those things right now:
1) Small bowl of vinegar on coffee table to take out cat barf smellz
2) Cup of vinegar in warm water and mop yr floor. And if you want it to smell okay, you could drip in some peppermint extract or vanilla extract or (more expensive) essential oil if you got it
3) Vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray some shit down, forget Windex.
4) Pour some o dat vinegar down the drain, you turkey!

Okay, maybe not five. But four things, and she had Windex, she had air freshener, she had all these things that she didn't have to spend money on! Coulda bought a gallon jug of white vinegar!

Here is someone who found 1001 Uses for Vinegar!

And Borax!

And Baking Soda!

Because I honestly feel that if you have those three things, you can clean anything. I used salt to scour her sink, because she had no baking soda.

I would really love to send her some sort of tips list for things to have around that are absolute necessities of a household and at the same time are incredibly cheap and multifunctional. Can anyone help me out with this?


  1. hmmm...lemon juice? i've heard it has all sorts of powers. put it in a cup of water in the microwave and turn it on for a couple minutes and it steams all the gross junk so you can wipe it out easily. also can be used to scour sinks i think. also good in tea, and used in lots of foods (like a little ricotta with lemon juice on penne pasta, for example).

    i have only actually used the lemon juice in food-related ways, but the other stuff sounds believable.

  2. ps-also another thing le vinaigre can do:

    too much vinegar can kill the hell out of an earthworm (L. terrestris or E. fetida). found that out through "diligent" "experimentation."

  3. ok quick animal behavior story...mike did the whole "soil ph and earthworm preference" thing...yeah, definitely killed them. and those little fuckers stank when they die.

  4. tip: to prevent cat barfing clean up small objects that a bored cat might decide to chew on and/or eat
